Severo Ochoa, MD

Severo Ochoa (1905-1993) was a biochemist that was born in Laurca, Spain. His interest in biology was sparked by Spanish Nobel Laureate Santiago Ramón y Cajal through his studies on the structure of the nervous system. He obtained his Medical Degree with honors (1929) from the University of Madrid. During this time he worked on the isolation […]
Cesar Milstein, PhD

Cesar Milstein was born in Bahia Blanca, Argentina in 1927 to immigrant parents. His father immigrated from Ukraine and his mother was also from a Ukrainian immigrant family. In his early life, his parents sought to ensure their children’s education and encouraged all of them to go to university. In 1952, he graduated with a […]
Mario Molina, PhD

Mario José Molina-Pasquel Henríquez was born in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 19th, 1943. At a young age, Mario showed an aptitude for chemistry, which his family nurtured. He received a BS (1965) in Chemical Engineering from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He spent two years studying Polymer Kinetics at the University of Freiburg, […]
Baruj Benacerraf, MD

Baruj Benacerraf was born in 1920 in Caracas, Venezuela to Spanish-Jewish parents. His early childhood was spent in Paris, France where his family stayed until the early 1930s before fleeing back to Venezuela under the threat of the Second World War. Benacerraf’s father was a textile merchant and importer, and hoped his son would follow […]